How to check if you need a new boiler

How to check if you need a new boiler

24 November 2022

Any idea if you’re getting the most from your boiler? An inefficient boiler wastes energy and costs more to run.

Take a look at the common faults and warning signs below, which can be telltale signs that it’s time to consider replacing your boiler.

Common boiler problems

There are a few issues that can come about if your boiler goes unused for an extended period of time during winter. For example, the surrounding pipes can freeze, running the risk of your boiler seizing up. Regular use helps keep it ticking over so it's efficient and in good condition when you need it most.

Here are a few other boiler issues to be aware of:

  • Unusual noises: Listen out for odd sounds which may indicate that something's not working as it should, such as a faulty part
  • Leaks: If there's a leak, turn your boiler off immediately as it could lead to an electrical fault or increased carbon monoxide levels

  • Flame colour: Your boiler's flame should be blue. If it's burning yellow or producing smoke, there could be a problem - so turn it off

  • Low pressure: Changes to the pressure gauge could indicate a leak or fault to a pipe or valve. Read our guide to boiler pressure to learn more

  • Inefficiency: Boilers that are inefficient use more energy, and can cost you more in the long run

If you're ever unsure if your boiler is safe, we recommend contacting a professional straight away.

How can I check if a boiler engineer is sufficiently qualified?

The first step is to use a Gas Safe registered engineer. The Gas Safe Register provides a list of qualified engineers across the UK so you can rest assured you’re in safe hands. It’s also worth double checking that your engineer has ACS certification, which means they have all the necessary skills and certifications to carry out the job.

How often should a boiler be replaced?

As a general rule, a boiler's life expectancy is usually 10 years. That's dependent on how well it's been maintained. An annual boiler service will keep it running efficiently and help to extend its shelf life.

The benefits of getting a new boiler

Beyond providing you and your family with warmth and comfort when you need it, a new boiler is more energy efficient, helping you minimise waste.